Friday, January 13, 2012

Work Continues on 12

The 12th hole has been slowly recovering from the summer.  The reduced stress from closing the hole this fall will help the turf to develop the vigor it needs to survive our stressfull summers. 

Patch work is currently being done to low lying and thin areas were spring applications of pre-emergent herbicides have limited seedling success this fall.  This also gives us the opportunity to level and smooth low areas that hold water.

Jeff Pruncal and Glen Pulisifer deliver another load of bentgrass sod to 12 fairway on Thursday as the guys continue to patch struggling areas of the 12th fairway.  Over the past couple of months the crew has done a good job of patching and fixing low spots all over the course.  Our hope is by correcting the cause of the problems we will avoid the same problem in the future.

Next week we will dive into tree work on twelve.  We will be tackling trees on both sides of the fairway.  The goal is to open the area up to as much airflow and sunlight as possible.  Any improvement we can make in these areas will result in increased turfgrass health and vigor.

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