Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Collar and approach work

Some of the collars here at KCCC have become mounded over the years leaving a lip that traps water on front edge of the green.  This is a contributing factor to the poor turf conditions along the front of some of the greens.  To correct this, we stripped the sod and made the necessary grade changes to allow surface water to flow off the green.  It also smooths the transition from the approach to the collar to the green and increases its playability.

In this picture we have taken the collar off the front half of the 17th green and have come out in to the approach to make a smooth transition into the newly renovated bunkers and green surrounds area.

The lip on 15 was so bad that there was actually a small hole forming in front of the green were water was trapped.  To fix this we cut the approach and collar out.  Then we cut the grade down to give it a smooth transition into the fairway while allowing surface water to easily flow off the green.

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