Monday, May 7, 2012

Tee Box Update

The cool wet weather has helped promote rooting of the new sod on the par 3 tee boxes.  This week we should be able to start mowing it so we can train it back down to proper tee height.  Once we start mowing them they are going to look really tempting.  Please still refrain from any activity on the new tee boxes.

The over seeding of tee boxes on 2, 3, 7, 9 and 15 has been very successful, these tee boxes were mowed for the first time Wednesday.  As we increase mowing frequency and lower the height it will promote lateral growth.  These seedling are still very tender, so again we are asking that golfers limit their activity to the immediate teeing area.  As you drive up to these tees it very apparent the traffic in the teeing areas has negative impact on the tender turf.

There are a few tee boxes that are struggling.  The middle tee on 6, parts of 12 and sections of 14 tee show little signs of growth. The seed germinates and then quickly fade away.  This is most likely from residual pre-emergent herbicide applications made last summer.  For this reason we will be stripping these areas and resodding them.  The only other option would have been to treat the areas with activated charcoal to negate the effects of the pre-emergent herbicide.

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